Tuesday, 22 April 2014

simple, really.

i'm pretty good when it comes to giving advice.

from experience, i have a pretty decent history
of seeking and pinpointing what's best for
those who i care about in my heart.

i never have a personal agenda when it comes to
directing or influencing cared ones in their lives.
i have their interests at heart. period.

sometimes i'm asked why i'm able to see things
in a different perspective, and why in almost all cases
i am brutally honest and rude in my criticism.

i think it's because people need it.
to hear what they don't necessarily know or want.
to me, the truth is worth more than blind positivity.

and as for how am i able to know all this,
and how am i able to view things differently,
the reason for that is quite simple, really.

...i am a screw-up.

thought of the day.

you know at work, sometimes you get that
automatic email reply that people set
when they are away from the office.

"...dear sender, i am away from the office
from today until the end of the month.
so i won't be able to entertain your email..."

was wondering, how does one entertain an email?

songs? jokes? magic shows?

Kaulah yang terbaik untukku.

i really like this song. a lyrical posto
off the lovely "lebih indah" from adera

Monday, 14 April 2014

(how divergent are you?) of the day.

i LOVE the idea behind that divergent movie.

you know, where society is carefully and
systematically grouped into several factions,
based on who they are as people.

let's examine the 6 possible factions for you!

1. abnegation - the selfless.
these are people who dedicate their lives to
helping and caring about the wellbeing of others.
a.k.a people who don't have real, paying jobs.

2. amity - the peaceful.
people who are fun loving and non-confrontational
and who trade on peace on earth for all mankind.
a.k.a sex-crazed and drug-fueled hippies and hipsters.

3. candor - the honest.
people who speaks the truth regardless
of the situation or consequence.
a.k.a golongan mokcik kite salu jumpe time kenduri.

4. divergent - the erm, divergentees?
people who demonstrate all of the traits above,
often showing a wide range of human capability.
a.k.a golongan manusie yang tamak halobe. or showoffs.

5. dauntless - the brave.
people who have the guts and brawn to defy human odds
in terms of physicality and bravery and honour.
a.k.a gay guys who go to the gym.

and finally you have people like me;

6. erudite - the intelligent.
people who think highly of themselves and
quite frankly find most humankind to be baboons
and idiots and annoying, moronic little bitches.

...i love the idea behind divergent. don't you?

retort of the day.

let's be adventurous and go see caves! just imagine the fun!

throughout the years, people have always
given me plenty of stick and ridicule for
not being adventurous or a social butterfly.

first of all, i don't give a crap about being popular
or being the person who loves going here and there.
and secondly, people are forgetting 1 important fact;

...i have a very nice apartment.


now, once in a huge while,
huge controversies happen at work.
here's my take on these past few weeks;

"3 things i've learnt about work lately"

1. if you're gonna write amazing things on your cv,
make sure you REALLY know how to do them.
people will eventually know if you're incompetent, see.

2. sometimes the only person in this world
you can count on during hard times is yourself.
give it a shot, keep trying, and have faith in your smarts.

3. be nice to people. you might think that people
will always swallow crap from you, but remember
one very, very important point. they might bite back.