Tuesday 22 September 2015

'and when did you plan to tell me?' of the day.

now, there are certain things, specially
knowledge, that you really ought to
share with your dear friends le kan.

so, it's rather evil to let your friend
suffer trying to get his fried chicken done,
when all this while you were fully AWARE
that the chicken would be dipped TWICE
in the egg and flour batter and mixture.


(everyday product) issue of the day.

issues are part and parcel of life.

there are small issues, big issues,
and then there are everyday product issues;
like the issue of getting a normal toothbrush.

when i'm looking for a toothbrush,
all i want is a normal, uniform, simple,
understated, super functional brush.

i do not want fancy toothbrushes with jagged
edges and multiple levels of brushes and
ones with tongue cleaners and angled handles
and ones that have rubber for your gums
and ones that is battery operated and so forth.



exasperation of the day.

now, i'm the type of person
that gets easily excited about
you know, random stuff.

so i often find it exasperating
when others don't seem to have
that same level of excitement
and intrigue and wonder about
certain, you know, random stuff.

for example, today we get an email
telling us that there's this ethnical
musical group who's gonna come
and make a special performance
over at the clubhouse.

and so here i am gushing about it
and i turn to my colleagues and go
''...yo dudes check it out! a band!..."
but instead of being excited about it,
they go, "...ya, so what for you happy?..."
and of course i point the obvious and go
"...it's the number one congolese band
all the way coming from tanzania!..."

*cricket sounds*


it's not that i would actually GO
and watch the performance from
the number one congolese band
from tanzania, but at the very least
you would feel excited about it le kan?

sigh. i dunno, maybe it's just me.
or maybe there is a faaaaaar
easier and valid explanation.

...you guys suck.


Sunday 13 September 2015

may yours be stronger.

some of you might have known what happened
to me over the weekend. well, not to me, but
something could've happened to my parents.

they say that your faith is never truly tested
until you are faced with a situation that pushes
you towards fear, hopelessness and desperation.

...it pains me to admit that i have failed. miserably.

i realized it didn't take much for me to worry,
it didn't take a lot for me to get agitated,
and it didn't take long for me to feel desperate.

i now know from experience, we always mean well
and we'd like to think that we have good faith and
we always place hope in our religion and beliefs,
but you never really know how deep your convictions
are and how patient you can be once things go bad.

the best thing i can do now is to work on myself.
i don't know how much i can fortify my beliefs,
but at least i know i can give it a shot.

may your convictions be stronger than mine.

Thursday 10 September 2015

sorry, i just had to! of the day.

the smarter iKettle. 
just like something else that's smarter than you.

now here's something new for you!

there's this wonderful new kitchen product
that you can control using your phone
and it's aptly named the smarter iKettle!

so other than boiling water remotely, it also
tells you when your hot water is ready, tells
you when to refill, and tells you when it's empty.

hmmm, if you think about it, it's basically
something that you have at home, telling you what
to do, when to do it, and how to do it right.

...sounds like a wife, doesn't it?

hahahaha! ampuuun ampuuuun!

but even if that's true.

another lyrical posto, off the very catchy
''nobody compares'' by one direction.