Sunday, 25 December 2016

cukup sekali saja aku pernah merasa.

modified the lyrics, off my current song obsession
that is "kali kedua" by the wonderful raisa.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

dating issue of the day.

i quite enjoyed the 8th episode on the latest
season of the big bang theory!

one, seeing sheldon being suave is hilarious!

and two, the story arc between raj and isabella
is an interesting one. would we date someone
who has a lower paying job than us?

and more importantly, would we be ashamed of it?

tip of the day.

life tip of the day / common sense for normal people;

when you have a solvable problem, solve it first
within you own capacity or capability.

transferring that problem to OTHER people
is NOT the way to solve it, tau tak.

president elect.

the asian dilemma.


ok people, since nowadays i am crazy over memes,
from now we have a brand new segment her,
appropriately called najmemes!

quote of the day.

saw this off the twitter;

" friends treat me like god.

they ignore my existence and only 
talk to me when they need something..."

dat REALLY made me laugh.


three personal observations at work lately.

1. read this inspirational quote that goes;
"...the only way to know your limits
is to go far beyond them..."

i agree. which is why i'm still in bed
instead of being at work.

2. i noticed dat whenever i don't go home for lunch /
people have free time / i have lotsa crap to do,
people have a tendency to drop by and chat with me
about all kinds of stuff, work or otherwise.

as humbling as it is to have colleagues view me as
someone nice to talk to, sooner or later i'd probably
start charging for these instant therapy sessions.

3. was on the receiving end of a long lecture from
my health-conscious colleague about the food
and drink he sees me consume on a daily basis.

nothing like starting the week with not only
questioning your work performance, but now you
start questioning your life choices as well.

long term planning of the day.

yesss!!! 4 day weekeeend!!! let's see;

day 1 : do laundry, vacuum and mop apartment,
clean applicances, food inventory check, collect
and throw unnecessary items at home,
get car cleaned, do groceries & get pizza.

day 2 : wonder what to do from day 2 to 4.


conclusive proof of the day.

things i've been asked in the past few hours;

"...mi, jom pi camping..." me : tanak.
"...mi, follow aku kour tabligh..." me : kose aku.
"...mi, jom pi dubai skali..." me : tanaaaaaak.

"...mi, ko nak pi pizza inn ak?..." me : okaaaaaay.

see? i'm not DAT anti-social, you see.

that's just how the cookie crumbles.

been thinking a lot lately.

i was always the kind of person that had things figured out.
i had this vision, this path, this trail i was gonna follow.
and for the most part, i think i'm coming close to the end.

thing is, i never envisioned how complicated it would be.

i never realized that you couldn't have everything you want,
or never realized that how far away you need to be to reach it,
or never realized how much you have to live without.

i guess in a way it forces you to realize what you want most.
or at the very least, what top things you want and the things
that you have to learn to let go or live without.

that's just life, i guess.

and as the creator of gilmore girls, amy sherman-palladino says;

"...disappointment makes you who you are in life; 
left turns make you who you are and you don't plan for those.
that's what makes you an interesting person..."

i couldn't agree more.