glasses on a cat. not exactly practical,
but hugely amusing nonetheless.
everybody needs a practical friend.
you know, the type who sees things in a practical way,
who's thought process is leaned towards pragmatism,
and who'll always see things as what they are.
now, the problem with over-thinkers like me is,
we tend to, well, over-think things. not because we want to,
it's just how we are as people, it's in our dna.
our biggest values are; to observe, to reflect, to feel.
whereas for practical people, their values often revolve
around; to do, to try, to physically work on things.
there's always pros and cons of being either, but the
biggest advantage of having practical friends is when
you're feeling down or sad or sorry for yourself.
...they snap you out of it.
they quickly pull you out of feeling miserable and
put you into practical or solution mode. and they help
put things into perspective for you.
if it's not your fault, why feel guilty?
if it's out of your control, why fret over it?
if it's just the way things are, why worry so much?
if it's gonna happen anyway, why feel sad?
if being sad doesn't help, don't do it.
in the end you start to see that the best thing to do
is to respect an outcome, accept it, and move forward.
in the end, we also have our lives to live, don't we?
so do yourself a favour and get yourself a practical friend,
even if it means one with weird habits like exercising as a
hobby, and someone who refuses to eat tasty office muffins.
it'll be worth it, trust me.