Sunday, 4 March 2018

bluntly authentic.

crispy fried chicken. very authentic to me LOL


restaurants tend to label themselves authentic,
that they have authentic (insert country) cuisine,
with authentic (insert country) decorations.

normally in reality it isn't 100% authentic anyway,
and the prices doesn't reflect any authenticity at all,
but in a way it's ok, because it works.

recently i've been made aware of a cultural habit;
that it's far more important to be polite with others
in order to retain the relationship, than to be honest.

in other words, don't be blunt. hold back your words,
and phrase it in a way so that the other party doesn't 
get angry or offended. maintaining relationships is key.

now, in a way that makes a lot of sense to me, because
after all, being polite and nice is a whole lot better than
being nasty. but personally i'd rather have someone be
blunt and honest with me. no point maintaining a 
working / friendly relationship if it isn't so honest right?

just like restaurants, it isn't authentic, but it works.

at the end of the day it's probably a personal preference,
and i wouldn't be less authentic to a friend out of politeness.
i guess to me it's just a bit weird, that's all.

it's almost as weird as having a middle eastern friend
who travels to another middle eastern country and visits
a middle eastern market eventhough she has one at home.

now THAT, is authentically puzzling to me.