Monday, 12 August 2019

the sky makes me sad, the blues got me bad.

now this may sound like something sad,
but in reality it isn't because there's a
rather funny but long story behind it.

just like this song! the lyrics are sad but
it's nicely masked in a bubblegum pop
sorta tune with a killer pop chorus. lurve it.

so, as a lyrical posto for this song that i love
so much, plus to commemorate me being
famous for a few mins in the store, here is
something from the catchy "good cry" by
noah cyrus. on top of a special consultation
by our frizzy non-red hair audit friend in the uk.

Saturday, 3 August 2019

and no matter whatever i do.

i've been absolutely blown away by the
"i met you at seventeen" album by lauv.
here's a lyrical posto, off the lovely "never not"

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

pessimistic optimist.

rainy days. not necessarily a bad thing. 
specially if you're living in the desert.

for anyone who's known or met me,
i think 9 times out of 10 they would view
me as being positive and sunny and happy.

...which is true, for the most part.

after all, my brain and my personality is such,
i am wired to react better to positive things,
and i am more inclined or tend to gravitate more
towards things that are funny and uplifting,
and i tend to find the good in things or people.

optimistic, by definition.

however, for those who KNOW me know me,
can often see that i can switch very, very easily
to something a bit more dark or negative.

i would straightaway think of a worst case scenario,
i would expect the least favourable outcome,
and i would prepare and plan for things to go wrong.

...because it seems or feels like they always do.

pessimistic, by definition.

in reality, eventhough 90% of the time i'm optimistic,
it is actually waaay EASIER for me to be pessimistic.
and that part of me is steeper than the sunnier one.

if i analyze it, it's because based on my history,
and things that have happened to me, and some stuff
are still occurring right now, has made me careful,
because i have been disappointed and upset and
let down multiple times, over multiple situations.

and because i'm not naturally built for sadness,
it affects me a whole lot, it makes me unhappy,
and it takes a long time for me to get over it.

however, if i'm being fair to myself and be a bit
more pragmatic, that may not necessarily be a bad thing.
because it has moulded me into someone who
can be prepared or expect for the worst, but also
someone who can still work and hope for the best.

pessimistic optimist, by definition.

...or optimistic pessimist, i can't tell.

oh, well.

Friday, 12 April 2019

this is the face i wear treading the riptide.

another lyrical posto, i just discovered this song.
there's just something about this amazing
"bad intentions" by niykee heaton.

Monday, 4 March 2019

it pays off.

how do you help a lost cause?

i think it’s basic human nature to wanna help others.
but how on earth do you try to help people who don’t
seem to have much interest in helping themselves?

now, i don’t think it’s done on purpose. i mean, who wants
to have to go through difficulties in life, or to be unhappy
all of the time or even to get physically sick because of it?

however, i also think that the 1st step to recovering is within
the person itself, they must acknowledge or admit to
themselves that they have a problem. 1st step.

in my experience, the next step is the tricky part; ask for help.

as adults, or as independent people, we often view asking
for help as a weakness, that it’s a poor reflection on our
capabilities, that it’s something to be ashamed of a.k.a ego.


i believe that if our intentions are good, life will somehow
direct us to people who want to help, who wouldn’t mind
taking time to support us or at the very, very least, act as
a safe place for us to confide in, to talk things through,
to at least get it off our chest. minimum.

who knows? maybe they would be able to actively help,
or even direct us to the right organizations or authorities
that might be the best place to provide us with support.

…never underestimate how kind people can be.

sometimes we don’t realize how much other people care
about us, and how much they want us to be happier,
and to what extent they want us to succeed.

so if you’re in need of help, acknowledge it and seek help.
and if you’re the one getting approached, be a friend,
and educate yourself on how to help or find out who can.

in any case, being me, my rather naïve and idealistic brain
would always find a way to return to this simple but
fundamental belief, and it’s why i still believe in lost causes;

…lost causes are the ones that pays off the most in the end.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

cloud nine was always out of reach.

the 1st of 3 lyrical postos from songs i've discovered lately.
this one is off the sweet "butterflies" from kacey musgraves.
not bad from the newest album of the year grammy winner.