Thursday, 25 December 2014

not like you expect.

here's a story for you!

as an experiment, a guy gives a homeless person
a 100 bucks, then secretly follows him to see
where he goes and what he does with the money.

lo and behold! exactly as you would expect,
the homeless guy then goes off to a liquor store,
presumably to buy booze, of course!

but then he comes out of the liquor store,
2 big bags of groceries in his hands,
then he goes back to where he was.

...just to pass food around to other homeless people.

you see, he didn't waste the money as you expect,
he didn't go back to bad drinking habits,
he went back to aid those in need like him.

find this story somewhere in youtube.

people sometimes behave not the way we think,
and certainly not the way we expect them to.
and that is a wonderful thing to see.

(another) thought of the day.

maybe it's just me, or isn't it just
a liiiiiiiiitle bit creepy to tell a gal
that you think her body is a wonderland?

yes. YOU, john mayer!

festive thought of the day.

does anyone else find it a bit sad that
we hafta wait for big celebrations
in order to go visit friends and family?

Sunday, 21 December 2014


next thing on the list is cereal.

yup, that lovely and usually
colourful bits and pieces of
nutritious snacks of yumminess.

whenever i have that yummy
fruit loops at home, i wake up earlier
just so i get to eat it. non-stop.

...for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.


*disclaimer : this post might be deemed
unfavourable to people who are pro-
environmentalists. please be forewarned.

let's face it, as human beings there are
certain things associated to us that may
push us to do one thing or another.

something that influences us, really.

nope, i'm not talking about angels & devils,
but something far more simple and
instilled in our everyday lives. everyday products!

yes, those simple. easy to buy,
everyday products we use. so here are
Products Dat Influence Me (P.D.I.M)!

let's start with shampoo, shall we?
so, whenever i have that maroon/pink/red
clairol herbal essence shampoo at home,
i shower faaaaaar more than i normally do /
than i should / than what is good for earth.

sigh. fine.

a good friend is someone who
gets pissed off with you and tells you
when you have made a mistake.

the person does NOT always agree with you,
and does NOT tell you what you wanna hear,
and has no qualms about calling you "idiot".

...and i'm lucky enough to have a few.

hot stuff of the day.

now, there are plenty of people out there
who are hot and sexy and beautiful.

but here's the thing; if you can pull off
being covered in green paint like shrek,
and STILL be hot, then memang hot la ok.

zoe saldana *call me!*

be a part of good things.

here's a situation for you;

i like eating chicken,
and you like eating veggies,
and we both disagree on it.

i tell you the merits of eating chicken,
you tell me the merits of eating veggies,
and we still disagree on it.

i then tell you negative things about veggies,
and you then tell me negative things back,
and we both start to get angry.

i then proceed to call you names,
and you retaliate with insults of your own,
and we end up hitting each other.

now, if we look at it objectively,
there are merits to both cases,
eating chicken and veggies is a good thing.
i believe in getting nutrition from meat
and you believe green is the best way.

but why are hitting each other then?

this is how religious conflict divides us.
it's just downright crazy to see all this
hatred and violence going on in the world.
people's lives get wrecked, there's sadness
all around the world, and for what?

for not agreeing with our own beliefs?

is it really worth it?
is it really worth winning when all we do
is create even more unhappiness around?

everyone has a fundamental right to believe
and practise whatever religion out there,
it isn't our place to dictate how others
choose to live their lives. however, it IS
our place to educate and spread good. regardless.

be a part of good things. please.

Thursday, 18 December 2014


" and the world smiles with you..."

yes. please do this. unless you're in KL,
where you smile at people and they think you're crazy,
and they either ignore you or give you the finger.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

take me away.

i hate awaydays.

i hate awaydays and teambuildings
and corporate retreats and orientation
and anything and everything to do with it.

i am extremely anti-social,
i hate being outdoors and doing physical stuff,
and i hate running around for no reason.

therefore, for all you corporate folk out there,
please take into account that not everyone
wants to have physical activities,
not everyone has the need to be around others all the time,
and not everyone wants to spend free time outdoors.

please consider designing an awayday for us,
which would embrace how different we are as people,
and embrace the spirit of an awayday that we like;

...which is being away FROM everyone else. sekiantimekaseh.

vinyl me.

how hope looks like.
"...blogging is sooo 2004..."

the thing about active bloggers is,
we're usually deemed to be outdated
and slow and melancholic for no reason.

well, that's actually very true.

nowadays the keyword is "instant".
everything comes and goes in a flash,
and everything is updated each second.

you have facebook to share your life with,
instagram to instantly share photos around,
and twitter to update your life every second of the day.

...and then there's blogging.

it takes forever to write and think things over,
it takes a million drafts to make one actual post,
and it takes a bit of patience to jot everything down.

but you know what? i wouldn't have it any other way.

so to all bloggers out there who feel outdated and
who sometimes think of stopping and who feels
that noone out there listens and reads, think of this;

there are still people who love listening to vinyl records.

so keep it up, it's worth it. trust me.

Monday, 15 December 2014

thought of the day.

i wonder if there is a sex position called the gangnam style?

Wednesday, 10 December 2014


how success looks like. really.

"...climb the mountain and you'll feel the success!..."

why does success always have to be linked with this?
it's always mountains and valleys and god knows what.
so success equals exhaustion, dehydration and dizziness.

no thanks!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

exit left.

from years of harrowing experience,
when there is a visible disconnect,
for one reason or another, then it's clear-cut.

that's my cue.


so if the answer to that age old question of
"who moved my cheese" is YOU,
then, so what? do i get to slap you?


continuing the theme we previously had in veggiesnolikey,
i hereby announce the return of the segment where we celebrate
positivity all round! so Let's Be Sunny (L.B.S)!

this time i'd like to turn our attention to positive quotes!

"...failure is the best prescription towards success!..."

if that is true, then by now i must be some kinda junkie.

big tenner.

been surfing quite a bit lately,
and to my amusement, i've come across
plenty of interesting top 10 lists out there.

well, at least that's what the title says.

now, the problem with labeling something as;
"top 10 interesting things about..." is,
the focus of the topic has to be, well, interesting kan?

so if the list is the top 10 interesting things about
feet or cheese pudding or growing eggplant or cat poop,
then, i'm sorry, but that isn't really interesting at all.

well, at least cat poop would be interesting. heheh.

Monday, 8 December 2014


feel slumped and pissed and sad.
the thing i hate about reality is when
things become crystal clear and it hits. hits hard.

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

oh scarlett.

finally watched “lucy” last night.

now, don’t get me wrong, i think scarlett johansson is super slurpy,
and i am a huge fan of science, technology and the human brain,
but this movie just leaves me more baffled than most flicks.

so I have 10 questions in my head after watching it;

1. i know k pop and samsung and kia are fantastic products,
but having koreans come up with the best drug in the universe EVER?
perhaps i ought to have more faith in my fellow asians.

2. if the premise of smuggling is to cut someone up and stuffing
things into people’s stomachs is valid, does that mean the best way
to smuggle stuff is to swallow everything?

3. wouldn’t it take people weeks or even months to recover from
minor surgery? if so, then how come we can shove people
into long haul flights immediately after cutting them up?

4. after the super drug kicks in and we’re able to increase
using our brain capacity to 20% overnight, how come we stop
having feelings? if so, is being de-sensitized really worth it?

5. i know that morgan freeman is the host in that fancy science show
on tv, discussing things like the future and creation and other theories,
but taking on THIS role with THAT ending? shame on you, morgan.

6. calling up your mom (who you haven’t contacted in a while)
and saying that you can still remember how the taste of the
breast milk was, is a really, really, really creepy thing to do.

7. having said that, calling the (before mentioned) mom to tell her
that you remember how fuzzy the cat / bunny / dog felt when you
were a baby is acceptable. and a less creepy subject than breast milk.

8. so once we’ve gained 100% brain capacity, then the thing to do
is to sit down and go back in time, right up to when dinosaurs were alive?
how about using it to cure cancer? or how to make yummier pizzas?

9. so the ultimate computer EVER will be accessible through a simple thumbdrive.
i’m sure the people at kingston will be super happy about that.
but why not manifest itself in something cool like those screens in ironman?

10. once we have achieved the ultimate realization,
then the end goal is to be “everywhere”.
yup, just like germs and cat fur blown in the wind. thanks.

oh well, at least there weren’t any aliens involved in the end.

THAT would’ve been the icing on the cake.

pantun of the day.

saw this panton off a vine video the other day.
seeing it really made my day!

"...roses are red, voilets are blue,
i got myself five fingers,
and the middle one is for you!..."

- credit twixacd

kindy grad.

my niece recently graduated from kindergarten.

they threw this graduation party
where the kids could dress up,
and have cake and stuff with all their friends.

now, when i was growing up, i didn't have that.
i mean, i think they just gave the report card
and pat me on the head before kicking me out.

but it's nice to see that our education system is evolving.
one thing i appreciate about western education is
they are very encouraging and they send positive vibes
and they appreciate small achievements by the kids
and they congratulate even the most mundane things.

aku dulu time sekolah, jangan harap ha.
pi sekolah asek kene marah sebab tak reti-reti cikgu ngajo,
pastu tangan ni memang asek kene rotan je kan?

tapi tape, at least it's nice to see my niece
having the time of her life in school,
and it seems she starting off on a positive note.

be encouraging to your loved ones from now on. always.