Tuesday, 30 June 2015

asal emo sangat ni?

now, the thing about being shit old like me,
is that i am not in sync with what's going on
with the online world, and i'm horribly out of date.

recently i found out that they've added lotsa new icons
on whatsapp, and apparently they're called emojis or
emoticons or emo icons or whatever the hell it is.

...and i have no idea what most of them mean.

so, i've decided to put together some of these emoticons
that i am confused about, and i have attempted to put
meaning into them, as how i view it. so here they are;

so there you go! sekianterimekaseh.

Sunday, 28 June 2015


based on what i read on tumblr. i love it.

credit emmieramble.

can never.

i can understand apologizing for what
we've done, but i can never understand
apologizing for who we are as people.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

mung tak ajak pung.

"...huhu ko ni tak ajak aku ponnn..."

now, how many times have we all been
showered with this bullshit of a line?
plenty. well at least in my experience.

if you find yourself not getting invited
to a party / meal / celebration / movie,
when it seems everyone else you know
just happens to be present, that means
either one of two things; either they
accidentally forgot to ask you to come,
or, the more likely reason is this:

...people just don't want you there.

there. i said it. here's a lemon for you to suck on.


i hear words like loyalty being brandied about.

now, the thing about loyalty is, it shouldn't
be based on one party gaining everything
and the other party gaining absolutely nothing.

loyalty isn't a one-way street. and it shouldn't be.

if you're loyal to a tee, then usually you're ok with
not gaining anything out of it, but at the same time,
if the other party treats you like absolute garbage,
takes advantage of you, doesn't appreciate you and
what you do for them, well, that isn't loyalty.

that's BULLSHIT.

...it really is as simple as that.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

quote of the day.

off 'how i met your mother';

"...it's just, everyday i think
i believe a little less, and
a little less, and a little less..."

- the philosophical ted mosby.

i know how you feel, ted. i really do.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

capitalism fact of the day.

the collar is probably manufactured there. the cat is not. 

for someone who is a bit racist,
i find it rather amusing how fond
i am of 'made in china' products.

jejak kaseh(an) of the day.

one great friend is probably all we need. 

now, i've learnt earlier tonight,
that i may potentially have 28
common friends on fesbuk.

now, for someone anti-social
and as non-social networking
as i am, 28 is a huge, huge number.

i'm well aware that other people
tend to have hundreds or even
thousands of online friends.

first of all, i have no interest
in fesbuking, and i certainly have
no interest in having fesbuk friends.

and secondly, out of the prospective
28 people, i doubt that i'd actually
regard all of em to be actual friends.
and this is out of 28, let alone out of
hundreds and thousands of fesbuk friends.

here's a confession; when i left the country,
in my handover note to my family, i wrote
down numbers of only 16 people.

sixteen. out of the hundreds and thousands
of people i have met and have befriended
or not over all these years of my life.

bet you're wondering if you're on that list kan?


why i write.

oh yeah. this seems familiar, baby. 

off a post i read off another bloggy. credit zarine.

why do i write?

i would like to say;

i write because it's an outlet to my soul.
i write because it keeps me sane.
i write because i wanna share my stories.
i write because my brain feels hyper.
i write because i just love to.

and i write because someday i'll be gone,
and i'll have something nice and something
funny and intriguing to leave behind.

but that's what i'd like to say.
but i feel that this is the real reason
as to why i like writing on the bloggy;

...i probably just have bad handwriting.

Monday, 8 June 2015

friendship test of the day.

i was asked, "how would you know
if someone is truly your friend or
if that someone isn't really close?"

for me it's simple.

i'm blunt with my friends.
and you can be darn sure
that they are equally blunt with me.

if you find yourself tip-toeing around
someone, whether it be what you do,
what you say, what you share, then
chances are they're not your friend,
and more importantly, vice versa.

so stop wasting your time being around
people you dont wanna be around, and
stop hanging out with people who don't like you.

in the meantime, spend your precious time
around friends who you can be yourself with,
and who can be themselves when they're with you.

so if you're 50-50, be blunt and see what happens.

it'll be worth it.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

mens what?

due to my rather random brain and
semi-hyperactiveness on a daily basis,
my colleague mentioned i should join mensa.

so what is mensa? you might ask.

it's a society made by high IQ people,
who are joined by other high IQ people,
in order to talk about erm, high IQ stuff.

so, in order to join, you can go and contact
your local branch of mensa (assuming your
country has enough high IQ people), you
are evaluated by certain tests, and if you pass,
you pay an annual fee and walla! you are in!

few issues about this though.

first of all, i do not wish to take a test
consisting of weird IQ stuff because i don't
want to be officially certified as being dumb.

secondly, the results will come after 6 - 8 weeks.
now, if people were really smart, i dunno why
it takes so friggin long to figure the scores out.

and finally, i'd rather talk about oghang nek besikal
jatuh dalam longkang ke, nampok kuceng tegolek ke,
rather than all the high IQ stuff in the world, ok.

i'm sure having a high IQ and talking about high IQ
stuff is a nice thing to have and do, but i'd much
rather talk about and be around normal, fun people.

and they don't need a test to say you're ok. *wink*

(matter of) fact of the day.

c'mon, let's face it. anyone who says
"there's no such thing as a stupid question"
knows full well that this is not true at all.

i used to get stupid questions all the time.

...matter of fact, i still do.

Monday, 1 June 2015


part-time cat, part-time bear.

when i was growing up, we didn't have
internet or mobile phones and there were
no such thing as social media.

hence we never had online self-descriptions.

and when i was growing up, most people
had fixed jobs like teachers, policemen,
grocers, shopkeepers, and so forth.

hence not many had part-time jobs.

but nowadays, i realize that we have a multitude
of online self-descriptions on social media,
who usually work part time jobs!

for example;

part-time lawyer, part-time vet,
part-time model, part-time dentist,
and full-time lover of life!

erm yeah. okay. good for you!

online self-descriptions. wonderful stuff.

and we can deny it as much as we want.

another lyrical posto, this time off
the lovely "almost is never enough''
by ariana grande & nathan sykes.

 i lurve this track!