Monday, 8 June 2015

friendship test of the day.

i was asked, "how would you know
if someone is truly your friend or
if that someone isn't really close?"

for me it's simple.

i'm blunt with my friends.
and you can be darn sure
that they are equally blunt with me.

if you find yourself tip-toeing around
someone, whether it be what you do,
what you say, what you share, then
chances are they're not your friend,
and more importantly, vice versa.

so stop wasting your time being around
people you dont wanna be around, and
stop hanging out with people who don't like you.

in the meantime, spend your precious time
around friends who you can be yourself with,
and who can be themselves when they're with you.

so if you're 50-50, be blunt and see what happens.

it'll be worth it.


  1. This only applies to guys I think.
    Girls' friendships are more complicated. The I'm-afraid-I'm-going-to-hurt-your-feelings-so-I-just-talk-behind-your-back-bull are all over the genes.
    Drama queens everywhere.
