Friday, 3 July 2015


being away, there's always a couple
of things that i miss about fasting
kat kolumpo tesayang kite ni ha.

here's some stuff that comes to mind;

1. param (pasar remdan, for those yang tatau)

uish ramainye oghang kat param ni hihi.

this is the second best reason for me time pose kat kolumpo.
rase sangat sonok bleh ronde memacam param yang ade.
it isn't just a food survey, it's an event!

2. which brings us to the best reason ever, FOOD!

ya allah sedapnye rupe mutabak dageng ni!

uisssh sedapnyeee apam balek. nak satu! *slurp slurp*

so dalam bebanyak makanan yang sangat sodap yang dijual,
my menu wajib merupekan mutabak dan apam balek.
uish sedapnyeee, ya allah! *alamak aku pose, astaghfirullah*

and no, dim sum tak termasok dalam carta ok,
regardless that i've read kat kolumpo ni ade 10
tempat bleh dapek dim sum fancy haha! *wink*

3. and in order to get that food, kene naik lrt le kan!

just a typical day dalam lrt kite yang sesak-bagak.

besenye dulu, kalu da kol 3 pm tu, mule la nak berebot naik lrt,
semate-mate nak pi param kat wangsa maju ke, kat gombak ke,
mane ke, abeh sume oghang kite tolak tepi, tak kire sape.

4. bukak pose dalam kete.

makaih, kot ye pon lapo tu kak, takkan sampai penoh boot kete.

ha, ni adelah insiden yang agak biase belaku.
walopun bleh balek koje kol 3, masalahnye
EVERYONE akan balek, so jem terok gile.

hence, allahumalakasumtu dalam kete jela kan?

5. cop tempat duduk kat fudkot bejam-jam.

gambo sekadar hiasan. sori ye akak-akak sume tu!

now, another thing adelah, acare mengecop 
tempat duduk kat fudkot, sebab nanti tade spot,
since everyone on earth will eat there too.

so, kalu bleh lepas zoho pon da nyebok cop spot ok.

so there you go! some of you might have faced
the same thing (and maybe you still do!), but
please realize it's what makes pose kat kl sangat best!

and before pare keyboard ustaz and ustazah bugs me,
yes, the best reason pose adelah untuk ibadah, boleh
tambah amalan, boleh buat kebaikan bersama keluarge
dan kekawan, boleh bantu oghang susah, boleh bagi
diri lagi sihat, dan pekare yang sewaktu dengannye.



  1. I read the title. First expectation is missed call story. Turned out about param. Siap gambar bagai tu! LOL. They really do main cop cop meja at food court? Hahaha. I didnt know that.Never get to experience to puase in kolumpo.

    1. miskol = short form untuk miss kolumpo haha!

      anyway, yes. ramai je yang dok cop spot duduk
      bejam-jam. pastu cam dok tengangeee je situ.
      i totally recommend you trying it LOL
