Monday, 3 August 2015

points ke tempat yang kodi.

here are some of my points,
sekirenye anda jugak merupekan
oghang yang pi tempat yang kodi;

1. always go for the aisle seat.
there's nothing worse than holding
your pee in while you wait for the
person next to you wakes up.

2. the worst ever time for your mp3
player to hang and fail you is on
a long-haul flight. let's face it,
noone wants to listen to the in-flight
music selection, i.e aretha franklin.

3. never, ever think about your loved
ones when you've reached the departure hall.
wait until you've reached your destination.
you'll actually scare the bejabbers out of
everybody if you start crying dalam hall tu ok.

4. once you've reached your destination,
assuming you arrive during the day, immediately
keep yourself busy with chores, like cuci baju ke,
lipat baju ke, tetibe nak try masak ikan goreng ke,
so that you don't get depressed meninggalkan kl.

5. if all else fails, do what i do. immediately
check your calendar and public holiday, and
straightaway buy your self a ticket home for the
next trip. that way, you'd have something super
duper to look forward to!



  1. And this comes from a guy who goes back every couple of months? cuti dh habih?😁

    1. excuse me, every couple of months
      pon da rase betahon ok hahaha!

      erm cuti banyak lagi kot, remind me
      untuk usha teket balek raye aji plok hihi
