Sunday, 3 April 2016


i just got word about the whole 15k hantaran thingy.
it wasn't as shocking as we would normally expect,
but still very unnecessary and annoying to see.

my three thoughts regarding that whole debacle

1. it isn't abnormal to see hantaran figures now
as being a bit over-the-top and excessive. after
all, everyone lives in an instagram world, kan?

specially when one (or both) sides want to have a
fancy ceremony in fancy venues with fancy food
and fancy clothing and fancy wedding cards and
fancy gifts and fancy wedding photoshoots, etc, etc
and that's even BEFORE getting komen2 mokcik*

thing is, if you can't afford to get hitched, don't.

2. one thing that stood out was the logical difficulty
for that groom to raise 15k. apparently he earns 1.5k,
so it doesn't take a genius to figure how tricky it is.

if you really want to be with that person, and that
person is sincere to you, then don't make life miserable.
because there's nothing worse than letting go of
something dear, just to satisfy a ceremony craving.
is it really worth sacrificing happiness?

thing is, be reasonable. or be sorry.

3. for this couple, my personal opinion is, both families
never wanted it to succeed. you'll always find a reason
if you don't want it to work. kalu da tak suke tu kan...

now, the most important point of all, and do take note,
is that religion upholds the sanctity of marriage, and
makes it as simple and sensible to let it happen.
5 things; bride, groom, wali, 2 witnesses, ijab & qabul.
that's all it is. it REALLY is as sensible as that.

thing is, life is simple. people make things complicated.

* komen2 mokcik = ayat2 mokcik kat kenduri that are
horribly unnecessary and designed to criticize EVERYTHING,
regardless of whether it makes sense to or not.


  1. Thing is,
    Sometimes the parents are okay,
    But there comes the relatives that question everything.
    Kenapa letak hantaran murah sangat lah.
    Kalau letak tinggi pandai complain juga "Mahalnya hantaran"

    As for me,
    Sometimes hantaran yang diletakkan boleh jadi kayu ukur bakal pengantin lelaki serius/tidak.
    Ada yang nak kahwin, tapi hantaran letak terlalu rendah, macam tak nak berusaha pun nak kahwin.
    Regardless, up to the families la kan.
    Tapi jangan la terlalu melampau sampai 10 kali ganda gaji lelaki tu sebulan kan.

    I personally feel that hantaran tu perlu dirahsiakan.
    It's easier to avoid all the unnecessary relative fuss.
    (Biasa relative je yang bising sangat ni).

    And yes,
    Rukun nikah ada 5 je,
    as per mentioned.

    Kenapa kita suka nak merumitkan yang mudah?

  2. having never been through marriage myself,
    i find it a bit confusing. because on one hand,
    you'd wanna have a nice, memorable ceremony.

    but on the other hand, i'd much rather spend
    more making sure our post-ceremony life is as
    fun and as comfortable as possible.

    and btw, regardless of rupa usaha ke tak,
    if a guy asks for your hand in marriage,
    it's serious. it really, really is.

  3. "Kenapa beli barang murah utk hantaran.Carila barang branded ke.Orang nak tengok.Makcik2 nak tengok"
    "Suruhlah orang and makcik tu beli barang branded sendiri kalau nak branded sangat!Macamlah diorang mampu.I know I can't afford it so I am just buying what I want to wear and what I can pay.Anyway I don't wear branded stuff."
    That happened during pre-wedding and me not talking with my mum for weeks.
    Sekian terima kasih.
    No aku bukan anak derhaka sebab my mom just told me she loves me.Haha..

  4. ya. keep telling yourself that.

    but true, maybe THAT'S the problem.
    oghang len yang nak pi ceremony tu.

    makes you wonder why we should invite people
    in the first place.
