Friday, 20 May 2016

seek in the right channels and you will find.

i once went to the clinic and disagreed with my doctor.
why? i didn't feel the medication would help,
plus i did my own 'extensive' research online.

instead of arguing with me, the doctor just calmly said,
"...give this medicine a try, give it some time, and i
believe it will make you feel better in no time..."

and it did.

eventho i didn't want it to, because that would mean
all my bravado and my convictions were totally wrong,
and i was too embarrassed to admit it.

i learned that despite all my research, there is someone
else who has done far more, for far longer, and has
practiced medicine more than me. because my research
only covered a very small portion, therefore i didn't see
the bigger picture and the actual truth behind it.

so, if you have vindications about religion, put your
ego aside, take it forward to religious scholars, seek
the bigger picture and find the truth.

in the end, the doctor could've just dismissed me,
did what most people would do and say to me,
"...are you the doctor or am i?..."

but instead was nice enuff to see that i didn't know better.

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