Tuesday, 25 October 2016


3 things that made me laugh hysterically;

1. off the latest season of the big bang theory,
from leonard and penny's 'proper' wedding;

sheldon : why do people cry at weddings?

mom : they're practicing for what's coming later.

2. off the latest season of brooklyn nine nine;

captain : i've been researching ways to raise
morale and i found an interesting article in a
scientific journal.

sergeant : owwwh, was it from the american
journal of 'noone cares'?

3. after watching that wonderful PPAP
(pen pineapple apple pen) video, i have come
to the rather depressing conclusion of;

despite technology becoming smarter,
people have become even more stupid.


  1. "despite technology becoming smarter,
    people have become even more stupid."

    I beg to differ on this statement.

    There always are stupid people, and super stupid people;
    it's just that they were sorta 'invisible' before.

    With the help of technology, all these nonsense can 'emerge' and show themselves. Like magic. Lol.

    The possibility for stupidity is endless. No?

    1. good point.
      i'd much rather have invisible idiots
      instead of visible ones tho. hahaha!
