Thursday, 12 October 2017


watched this video for world mental health day,
kevin, a man who survived a suicide attempt,
shared his reflection on how to manage this situation.

and this resonated a lot with me;

"...i built a support network over these years
of treatment so that i wouldn't be fighting this alone.

so like, it's ok not to be ok,

it's not ok not to ask for someone to back you up..."

now, god knows how isolated i feel sometimes here.

it's difficult when you're far away from friends you can
actually hangout with, from your family who you can
depend on every single day, or even when you're alone,
you'd still be able to go here and there, have lotsa walks
around town, take lotsa train rides, like when i'm back home.

in any case, thank goodness for whatsapp and
fesbuk and all those other communication apps.
and even this bloggy, if i think about it.

it makes it far easier for me to reach out and feel happier.
so reach out if you ever feel the need to, and more importantly,
be the one for others to reach out for as much as you can.

it'll be worth it. trust me.

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