Thursday, 6 December 2018

whatever that curve is called again.

got introduced earlier to a concept
of this something something curve.

it's similar to those stages of grief,
which is a series of personal reactions
one demonstrates when faced with grief,
and the journey one goes through
up till the point of acceptance.

...basically, how to be ok with all sorts
of crap that happens in your life.

i'm a data and analysis-driven person.
my opinions are formed by results,
as opposed to things that are vague
or theories that can't be backed by
technical work or solid proof.

or worst still, technical work that is
manufactured in order to fit that
vague theory in the 1st place.

anyone who knows me will attest
that i'll be the 1st one to accept you
if you take the time to do things proper,
be fair and transparent about it, and
make judgement calls based on that.

don't tell me, show me.
don't say it, prove it.
don't give me excuses, gimme solutions.

do all that, and not only will i agree
with you, i'd do everything i can in
order to make things work even more.

...but that's probably asking for too much.

too idealistic maybe, and perhaps i've
over-indulged in wishful thinking,
so maybe it's about time i embrace my own
version of the something something curve.
and here's how it would look like;

i'll keep you guys posted on how this goes.
who knows? maybe next time you see me i'll 
be in zen-mode. and be vegan and do yoga.

p.s. still undecided whether i regret today's
conversation or otherwise. we'll see. hehe.