Wednesday 21 January 2015

yes, no of the day.

now, being here for the past 6 months,
i find that i am usually bombarded
with the same questions over and over.

so, to help alleviate the situation,
here are some basic answers that
i should just print and hand out to people.

1. yes, i am a moslem.

2. no, i am not philipino.

3. yes, i am really DAT old.

4. no, i do not have a wife and 10 kids.

5. yes, love DOES matter to me.

6. no, i am not gay.

7. yes, i hafta 'use stuff' to keep my hair up.

8. no, i dont sleep with a special helmet on.

9. yes, i really do laugh that much.

10. no, i have no interest in socializing a lot.


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